Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stumped - Overcoming the Pitfalls of Writer's Block

Dear Info Marketers,

Once again, we've been busy at the Information Marketing Institute. Lately, I've been conversing with my colleagues Adrian Newman, John Hurd, and Mathew LeCompte on some new product ideas. I've also been writing articles like crazy, submitting to the Info Marketing e-Hotline, as well as to some article websites online. If you haven't already signed up for the e-Hotline, click here to get started.

Doing all this writing is pretty tough, but I love it. Even on a bad day, if I can hear my fingers moving away across the keyboard, then I know things are happening. One day things weren't so hot, and the fingers weren't moving at all. I turned to Mathew and Adrian for advice. "Oh," they said. "You've got writer's block." They'd had it before.

Here were some of their tips:

a. Get out of the funk - This sounds like an AA meeting, but it's true. Get out of the funk, or get out of whatever you're doing. Stop writing. Admit you're out of ideas. Relax. Take a break. In short, do something to let your mind rest a bit.

b. Check out other media - I like to read and often go to my bookcase to dig out a novel, essay collection, or reference book for some ideas. My colleagues often check out the newspaper or trade magazines. Sometime surfing the Net or cable TV can generate ideas too. If you relax and just view these other media, you might get a fresh idea come in from out of the blue.

c. Take notes - I often have a notepad in the back of my daily agenda book. It helps if I'm on the subway or bus and overhear a conversation or see an interesting banner ad. I can jot down ideas right then and refer back to them when I have to.

d. Ask questions or phone a professional - My buddy Mike lives in Calgary and he is ALWAYS on MSN. If I need help or an idea, I shoot him a quick message and he always gets back to me. This can work for you too. If you get to meet people in your industry who can help your information marketing business, add their contact information to your e-mail contact list. Don't be afraid to message or call them if you need help. And do not be afraid to pick their brains thoroughly - sometimes you have to ask a lot to get the results you need.

You hear these horror stories about songwriters or novelists who get terrible writer's block. It's sad, especially since their career depends on them being creative. But the beauty of being an information marketer is that you can often get help if you have writer's block. There's lots of ideas out there to be shared. It's just a matter of getting them.

For more information on curing writer's block, visit us here at the Information Marketing Institute Website.

Take care,

James B.

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