Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Now You Are Successful...

Hey all,

Well I am back from traveling. Met some clients and relaxed. Also got to some of your e-mails and had some time to respond. And one e-mail was pretty interesting...

I have spent so many of the last newsletters dealing with things that might help you plan your day as an information marketer and how you can help keep up with change. Now I want to talk about fun things: what to do once you get successful.

Getting successful is the name of the game in information marketing. If you tough it out long enough, you will see both prestige and the accompanying cash to go with it as reward. But as the adage goes, success comes with a price. It’s so easy to want to celebrate day in and day out by going to restaurants and buy friends rounds of drinks. Or new cars. Or furniture for your rec room. Whatever you fancy, overzealous celebration can have disastrous consequences.

Once you get successful, there are a few things you should take time to consider. They are:

--Mindset: It’s good to understand success and to keep an open mind once success happens for you. Don’t get arrogant once you start seeing money rolling in from your information marketing business. Success will only continue if you keep your head on and pursue the same level of quality in your work as you had previously.

--Improvements: Take a few notes to see what you did that made you successful. Was it just your content writing or was it the inclusion of a special offer with your newsletter? Had you redone your website and attracted new clientele? Should you expand on a new idea? Always ask yourself what is working to help your business be successful and, above all, what can be done to improve it. Watch your business over time and see what can be done to make it the best it can be at ALL times.

--Taxes: This is the part of information marketing that isn’t much fun but sometimes requires the most attention. Since you are now your own boss, you are responsible that the people of the government are kept happy. You will have to file your own taxes and note whatever expenses are being made for your business. Now this isn’t as hard as it sounds. Search the Internet or consult your local employment centre to see what tax deductions need to be made from the income you earn. Set up an expenses account at your bank to and use this to track all money going in and out of your business. Provided you keep your expenses and tax work organized, you shouldn’t encounter much trouble with those in bureaucratic positions.

--Recreation: With the aforementioned tax and expense information in mind, don’t think that being an info marketer is strictly business. See what revenue is coming in and what can be used for fun. Put aside some cash to take a trip or save some for something special you would like to buy. Again, just be organized and do not overspend on things that are unnecessary. Reward yourself, just with discretion.

--Your future: My friend works at a major bank and he often uses the term “money in-money out”. That is, you see what money is coming in and what money is going out. This monitoring will helps you plan your professional future and what can be done to make it more successful then it already is. Once you see success, think about consulting a financial specialist and how they can help you with money investments. Look at ways to eliminate unnecessary expense. Talk to other information marketers about what they do in terms of staying successful and what pitfalls to avoid. In short, when you are not writing content, keep an eye on the roads ahead – particularly the financial one - to see what can be done to both maintain and improve on your business’ success.

The key to success is always thinking about tomorrow. Once you get into the groove of becoming a good information provider, you will, with the right skills, become equally good about predicting your future. It just takes time.

Take care,


For more information, click here to read the E-Wealth Daily.

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