Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Information Marketing for those "Other" Markets

Dear Info Marketers,

Religion, politics, erotica...the list that most people don't want to touch or even talk about. But every once in a while, myself included, get the courage to tackle those subjects.

“Look, whatever you do, do NOT talk religion or politics with them. You’ll regret it…”

I was fresh out of school and I was just starting out as a teacher of disabled adults. My colleague, a hefty, cigarette puffing, warm-hearted Macedonian who ran the centre, was very experienced as a teacher and had dealt with all of the students up to that time. He was warning me of what can happen when you deal with these topics in a professional setting, based on one of his own experiences I am sure.

Now you have to understand that was young, curious, and a bit arrogant to say the least. Some heavy discussion was what I thought made classrooms interesting. But when I found out I had one devoutly Orthodox Christian woman, a conservative Roman Catholic man, a Gujarati Hindu lady, and a young atheist fellow in my class who had actually had confrontations with one another before, I knew what my boss was talking about. Surprisingly, when I got to teach some history and philosophy related subjects, I found they were up for some levelheaded debate and we wound up discussing things like religion and politics quite freely. That made the day seem that much more enjoyable for all of us.

Believe it or not, my former boss’ advice is something that applies to information marketing too. I have gotten some e-mails from some people who want to get into information marketing but are interested in creating content for the “other markets” such as political, religious, or socially risqué arenas. They ask me for advice.

Hm. Alright. Here goes…

Writing information for these markets is tough. It requires a lot of gusto on the part of the creator and is not something that is going to appeal to everyone. But the markets do exist and you can make a living at it. I have no business telling you what you should or should not create information for. That’s for you to decide.

Once you decide that this particular arena is for you, you should set about it in the most professional manner. Make sure you do some research and learn all avenues of what you are writing about. If it’s religious, read the religious texts, scholarship, and even differing opinions on that particular subject. If it’s political, check out related newspapers and websites. Don’t be afraid to check out the other parties’ politics and see what they are saying as well as your own. You will become more knowledgeable of what you are creating content for.

I might also advise some discretion. Now don’t think I am saying that you should be like a secret agent. You should be proud of what you do at all times provided you are sincere about it. But some people are not as clear-minded about certain matters as you might be. It is a shame sometimes, but conflict is inherit in the human race and somewhat necessary to our existence. That said if you are writing this particular content, do not canvass to others who might have reason to do harm to you based on what you think. You are asking for trouble if you do this.

Above all, be a pro. Approach what you are doing with integrity and aim to create the most intelligent and well constructed content imaginable. There are loads of writers and commentators who I do not agree with one bit, but that have earned my respect for at least bringing maturity and professionalism to what they do. People might not agree with you, but they can respect how you operate as a working professional.

We live in a part of the world where you have the right express your mind freely. I have been in parts of the world where certain books, music, and even food are banned for various reasons by those in power. Thus, by default of being a citizen of the west, you also have a right to be successful in sharing what you think and feel. Information marketing is a good professional route to achieve both.

For more information, visit us here at The E-Wealth Daily.

Good luck!


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