Friday, January 16, 2009

New eNewsletters For Your Reference - Myths of Info Marketing, e-Advice, and Some Info From Bill

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Bill's Little Piece of Info Marketing Heaven... Creating an A-1 E-Letter... And more!

** Bill's Little Piece of Info Marketing Heaven
By Adrian Newman, Founder and Director of the IMI

Let me tell you the story of my good friend Bill.

Bill is a copywriter living in Philadelphia. His day consists of getting up each morning, having a cigarette, reading the paper, logging on to his home computer and writing a couple of words here and there.

He might head out to the gym at some point in the afternoon, maybe grab a bite to eat, then it's back to the "grind" of copywriting.

At the end of the day, he and his wife, who works as a freelance designer from home as well, might go to their neighbors' for dinner or enjoy a nice relaxing night at home with one of their two daughters.

Now, Bill hasn't written a lot of direct mail copy for me recently. And yet, I still send him checks on a regular basis.

Why? Well, a while ago, Bill wrote a book about how he's been making money in the information marketing business. It's a fantastic book and I recommend it to anyone looking to make money in this industry.

Now, I helped him write it and I published it for him and helped him market it. And yet, he's the only one who gets a royalty check from it.

He loves it. He calls it "my own piece of info marketing heaven!"
And every time I call him, he reminds me of how great it was to get his story in print.

You see, this could easily be you. With apologies to Bill, he's nothing spectacular. He just has a lot of information on a specific subject tucked away in that "caffeinated brain" of his that he was able to spill out on paper.

And I'm willing to bet that you've got the same potential for your own slice of info marketing heaven. So here's what I want you to do:

As soon as you finish reading this e-mail, grab a pen and paper and write down five subjects that you consider yourself an expert in.

They can be as crazy and obscure as you want them to be (just as long as they're legal!).

For example, you might be the kind of person who collects coins from Eastern European countries from post World War II. Or you might have a knack at repairing toaster ovens without spending more than $5 on parts. If you can teach someone how to cha-cha, that's a marketable skill in this industry.

The sky's the limit. Bill could easily write a dozen more books on different subjects and sell the books or reports. And, in fact, he probably will sooner than later.

All you need is an idea, a little time and a way to find the people that want to pay for your information.
** Creating an A-1 E-Letter

By James Burt, Online Marketing Specialist

Maintaining your information business can be a tough job, no question. But it can also be fun, too. You just need to apply the same enthusiasm and creativity you used to build your blog.

Like I mentioned in the last e-Hotline, a regular newsletter is a good idea. It keeps your customers informed on what new products you are offering and, more importantly, makes them feel they are real associates or members of your business.

Here are some tips on creating a good e-newsletter:
1. Write it like you were writing a personal letter. Starting it with "Dear Fellow Associate" or "Dear Member," keep the language simple, courteous and to the point.

2. Keep them informed. Remember, these people are your clients and they should have information as to what you are providing for them. Knowing what products, discounts and services you offer is what they are subscribing to your newsletter for.

3. Keep it brief. There is no need for your clients to know everything about your business. Keep them aware of any new changes you may have or any new products becoming available. Anything else is unnecessary.

4. Be respectful. Again, these are your clients. Don't forget the lines like "we appreciate your continued support?" or "thanks again for your patronage?" That positive attitude will never go unnoticed by your clients.

5. Make it attractive. Use your other electronic tools like Microsoft "Word," "Photoshop" or to create a template for your letter. Include a letterhead with your logo, company name, and contact information, plus some graphics. Just don't get too creative. At the end of the day, your customers are there to read the words of your letter. Too many graphics and colors take away from what you have to say.

*If you have problems creating a template for your newsletter, take it to a friend or graphic designer who is more skilled. Like your letter itself, all of this design is done electronically these days and is dirt cheap. While you shouldn't copy other people directly, you can also consult other newsletters for ideas...maybe the one you are reading now(!).

I cannot stress the importance of a good e-newsletter. They can be fun to create and yet still do the job you want: keeping your customers interested in your business. If your customers forward your letter to their friends, there is no telling what business potential lies ahead for you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The Last Myth of Information Marketing Debunked... More Blogging Advice... And more!

By Adrian Newman, Founder and Director of the IMI

So, for the past couple of days, I've told you that you don't need to be a good writer and don't need to have a lot of money to become successful in the info marketing business.

Well, today I'm going to debunk the last myth of info marketing:

You need to have an original idea to create an info marketing product.

You read it right. You do not have to have an original idea or an original piece of writing to make it big in information marketing. In fact, you could probably make more money by taking someone else's idea, re-packaging it and then selling it on your own.

Have you heard of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich?" It's a great book that I highly recommend you read if you haven't done so already.

And if I wanted to, I could sell you a copy of it for $14, just like Amazon does.
But did you know that "Think and Grow Rich," along with many other books, songs and other creative works, is in the public domain?

This means that you can not only get them for free, but you can also sell them royalty-free.

Now, you're probably wondering, "Why would anyone buy something from me that they could get free from the public domain?"

Well, the public domain doesn't market to customers. They don't advertise all the great stuff they have; therefore, not a lot of people know about the public domain.

Chances are you've probably bought something at some point that was offered elsewhere for free. If you'd had only known about it, you could've taken advantage of it.

But the fact is that someone marketed something to you so well that you were compelled to buy it. So, if you can go into the public domain and grab a publication and market it correctly, you could very well have a great little business going.

I could go on and on about this topic. Instead, I've created a web page for you to check out that tells you even more about this great way to get free publications that you can sell for your very own. Click on the link below now:
More Blogging Advice

By James Burt, Online Marketing Specialist

In the last e-Hotline, we went through building your own blog. I hope you had fun building it, and were able to apply some creativity in the process. Now you have something on the World Wide Web where potential customers can visit, check you out, and get interested in your business.

Now it's time to show you other ways of creating and maintaining a client base with the Internet. Remember: once you get customers, it's important for you to keep them.
When people come to your blog and begin communication with you, you can do a number of things to keep them coming back.

Here are a few tips:

1. Get them to sign up for your e-mail list. This gives the client the feeling of being a special "member" of your special business.

2. Send out a regular e-newsletter. This provides customers with updates about your business and what special offers you have for them. If you have a special premium or offer, include it in your newsletter.

*You will need some organization with this and you have to be consistent with the delivery of your e-newsletter. Come up with a schedule that works best for you and send it on a regular basis. As an example, at IMI, we send one of our e-Hotlines out every day. Or you could do it every other day.

3. See if your customers have a blog or web site as well. If they do, offer to post your blog link on theirs. This opens up doors to many new potential customers. You may even want to place your ads on their blogs as well. Be sure to extend them the same courtesy as well, as it can benefit both of you.

4. Update your blog regularly, perhaps biweekly or monthly. This can be as simple as changing the format or displaying new information. Customers will see you are truly passionate about your business and will want to be kept up-to-date with all changes you make.
Like I said in a previous e-Hotline, the sky is the limit in the electronic world. And since it's free, don't be afraid to brainstorm to expand your business. Nothing will make you more successful than the genuine love of what you do.

Stay tuned for next time for more updates on using the Internet to help your info marketing business grow.
Dear Reader: There is no magic formula to getting rich. Success in any wealth-building or business opportunity can only be achieved through proper and rigorous research, and plain, old-fashioned hard work. The opinions in this e- newsletter are just that -- opinions of the authors. Information contained herein, while believed to be correct, is not guaranteed as accurate.
Copyright (c) 2009 Information Marketing Institute, a division of Lombardi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. Full reproduction of this e-newsletter in any manner, without written permission from the copyright holder, is not allowed.---
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